My Octopress Blog

A blogging framework for hackers.

Eternal Sunshine

“This is it, Joel,” Clementine said. “It’s going to be gone soon.” “I know.” “What do we do?” “Enjoy it. Say good-bye.”

I want to live in a world that, as it’s coming to an end, people aren’t running naked into the streets to get laid one last time, but are going to the beach and flying an airplane. Making shy conversation with that girl you saw from a distance.

The soundtrack is so moving, the cinematography so effective and the direction captures so well what it’s like to be dreaming. It’s all the excitement of infatuation and spending so much time with someone you love to the point that you can’t stand them, without all the crap associated with romantic movies. Joel only tells Clementine that he loves her once, and it’s not met with a love-struck gaze and reciprocation, but a caring “Meet me in Montauk.”

This is the kind of movie that I watch in my head over and over again as I listen to the soundtrack. When I watch it, I feel the absence. It’s not a sorrow, or happiness but a simple material existence - a mass passively partaking in the universe. I don’t have to think, feel, or even perceive, but am just a party to the world - a fly on the wall.