My Octopress Blog

A blogging framework for hackers.

Ghetto Shunt

I’ve been putting together a media server for my newly-hacked XBox media center, and I had an old 120 gig hard drive laying around that wasn’t seeing much use. I thought I’d throw it in the box, giving me 240 gigs total to keep online for my viewing pleasure. The problem was, however, that I had removed the shunt at some point, and couldn’t find one around the house (who keeps these, anyway)? So, presenting my very ghetto make-shift shunt:

Ghetto ShuntMade from one of those yellow connectors (if you know the name of what I’m talking about, please let me know), I snapped off the part where you put the wire in and then clamp it with pliers. Before using that, I made sure I had the right setting (I wanted this one as the slave HD), by touching a screwdriver to the two pins associated with that setting and held it there as I booted the machine. Probably a safe/smart move (but in all reality, how much current flows through those pins, anyway?).