My Octopress Blog

A blogging framework for hackers.

Get Your Rights Management Off of My Music

As I read today, Amazon is selling DRM-free music for 89 to 99 cents. As much as I love Apple and want it to bear my children, DRM irks me in so many ways; though they’ve begun selling DRM-free music for $1.29 (since May), whenever I find myself looking for music on iTunes, none of it is ever available for as such. And even then, I think I’d find it hard to man up the extra 30 cents per song.

I appreciate that it’s probably not Apple’s choice or “fault,” and it’s a product of some record companies wanting a little bit of an extra “guarantee” (though it’s hardly anything at all - try googling “break apple drm”). Still, it’s sad. I mean, you go and buy the physical CD, and you can do whatever you’d ever want to with it pretty easily.

In celebration of Amazon’s new feature, I decided to buy Feist’s “1234.” Ironically featured in the TV spot for the new (and impressive) iPod nano.