My Octopress Blog

A blogging framework for hackers.

Python's Zlib and Gzip, Performance, and You

I have recently been working with streaming gzipped uploads to S3, and I’ve come to find that python’s built-in gzip library is quite a bit slower than the command-line utility gzip. Thus, I became curious as to where the performance problems were.

Gzip is actually just a file format, apparently most commonly used with zlib’s compression. It provides a file header and a footer and a little bit of metadata, but it really is merely a wrapper around zlib. However, while python’s zlib module is a compiled C extension, the gzip module is a pure python implementation that makes calls to zlib. In fact, the zlib source is included in the Python distribution (at least in 2.7.2) and the C extension is just a wrapper around those function calls.

Interestingly enough, the zlib extension is fast. Really fast. Competitively fast. Even comparable to the gzip command line utility, which, though it does the extra work of writing headers, becomes a nearly apples-to-apples comparison with a large enough input file.

import zlib
import time
import subprocess

with file('', 'w+') as f:
	test = 'hello how are you today?' * 10000000

# First, let's zlib
start = -time.time()
with file('', 'w+') as outf:
	with file('') as inf:

start += time.time()
print 'zlib: %fs' % start

# Now the subprocess
start = -time.time()
r = subprocess.check_call(['gzip', '-f', ''])
start += time.time()
print 'gzip: %fs' % start